A downloadable game for Windows
Welcome to VOP-World! A bondage simulation game. Dive into a bondage themed world, interact with multiple characters and get tied up a lot.
Fulfill quests in order to earn coins to buy goodies like clothes, new characters or bondage gear to tie up other characters.
Those quests reach from capturing other models and collecting items to successfully completing an escape room challenge.
In the escape room challenge, you've been captured and held against your will. You have to try your best to escape using the keys available while avoiding the guards.
What makes it harder is that you're tied up tightly.
If you're up for chilling, you can visit the studio, in which you can spawn and pose models as you wish without any item costs.
The game is playable completely with multiple characters with different stats. Stats like struggle force, which determines how easy it will be for you to break out of ropes.
You can also create your own character in a character creator.
Switch between third- and first person perspective to make the experience even more immersive.
Jump into the photo mode to make a screenshot of your current predicament and save that memory for later.
Try to complete all available achievements. If you're successfull, you'll earn a nice, little cosmetic surprise.
Remember to join our discord for latest news and discussions:
I hope you have fun!
Development log
- Version 1.3 released29 days ago
- 1.3 Announcement36 days ago
- Version 1.2 released85 days ago
- 1.2 Announcement87 days ago
- 1.2 What to expect92 days ago
- Tickling preview #2Dec 15, 2024
- Tickle previewDec 08, 2024
- Version 1.1 releasedNov 30, 2024
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when opening the game its all black like there is a bush stuck to me and same on other models spawned, i cant really see and i see through walls any suggestions? ive messed with graphic settings no change
i see some furry paintings is there a way to make your character as a furry?
no, there isn't. just human females currently. I just love those paintings^^
This is a pretty sexy stealth game! If only it had a following camera (a la world of warcraft) so it would be possible to play one handed!
Hello. Congratulations on creating a great game, I hope you will develop it. And I have a question: is it possible for me to walk untied, but for female guards to also walk around and after catching me it would be shown how they tie me up, and also Ms. Flame or any other woman could tie me up and gag me, like I've pissed them off or just for no reason let them catch me and tie me up and make sure it's well shown how they tie and gag me. And these women could tie me up on all levels, also in the Studio and Jessicas Room. I would like to see in real time how they tie me up and gag me at a given moment. Is it possible? If so, what game mode should I enter, how do I do it, to achieve the effect of observing my character up to date when they being tie me up and gag me?
hi, thank you. glad you like the game^^
Currently the only way you can get tied up by NPCs are the escape room levels. More might come in future
I don't know if we understood each other correctly. I would like to see from A to Z how they tie up my character. So what I mean is that, for example, in these Escape Room levels we are already tied up, and even if we manage to untie partially or completely, when the guard catches us, this moment of tying up our character is not shown, but it immediately jumps to the finished tied up one. However, it would be much more pleasant if we saw everything from beginning to end regarding the immobilization of our character by other women. We walk free, untied, our whole body is free, and suddenly we meet some woman who performs these actions on us --> catching our character --> tying up --> gagging --> and possibly leading on a leash (the leash depending on where they caught us). And all these moments are shown precisely from beginning to end.
Just played the new version , and really like the improvements with the new jobs and quests. Thought I would point out a few minor points to work out for the next version.
- I really love the character creator. However I am unable to save the characters I create with names - it always needs to save them with the generic name.
- When I create the characters, I like to make them with great big boobs, and usually these "poke through" the standard clothing. Same if I make them more muscular looking, this seems to be larger than the clothing.
- When using the model spawner, the created model stays in the same spot and does not move. The only way to move them is to leash them and drag them somewhere. It might be better to have them start walking around immediately once created. When they stay in the green model spawner zone, when you walk up and press 'E' to interact with the model often it thinks I want to spawn a model instead, since the model stands right on it.
- I was attempting to put Mrs. Flame into some of the devices in the studio, and was unable to do so. I had her right by the device, was pressing E and nothing happening. If I moved her away from the device it would register model interaction but I could not put her in the device. Not sure if this is a wider issue but I tried several times and could not make it work.
Here are some suggestions for the quests/tasks.
- Attach a time limit. IF you take too long, Jessica comes and applies restraints to make it harder.
- IF you annoy Jessica (i.e. keep talking to her after task is assigned) she can restrain or otherwise punish you.
- If performing a task while restrained, make it harder to do
- If the task is to restrain/tickle/punish another model, give that model the ability to catch and restrain you first.
For the escape rooms, I think additional variability could be added by further increasing the number of guards, modifying how aggressive the guards are at chasing you down and restraining you, and also changing how you are restrained at the start. Successful escape could then lead to more coins.
Currently the NPCs appear unable to escape once bound completely. This would be something that could be changed, to add an ability for them to escape. HOwever, the more stringently they are bound the harder it is for them to do so.
Adding more restraint types and methods would also be nice. I think adding ropes to the current model would be great - such as above/below the knees, crotch rope, chest harness, etc. Also additional types of restraints such as the ability to use duct tape on the body, zip ties, handcuffs, leather, etc.
Also would very much love more clothing items, hair, and accessories.
Appreciate your work putting this game together - I have greatly enjoyed playing so far!
thank you so much for your kind words and suggestions.
really great suggestions. some are actually planned aready.
Will certainy consider all of them
I've already tried the new version, it's amazing, the addition of more mission types and the ability to tie Jessica up once and for all makes it worth it.
One issue I have is that when creating a character the clothing physics seem to fail and clip through the new girl's model. I don't know if it's something that can be fixed or if it's a problem with my computer that doesn't optimize the models well.
hi , you have such a great imagination and your work is awesome. great game if you could make it better by adding more restraints such as handcuffs and shackles and add more adventures to it. waiting for these things to be added in the next update.
esta muy bueno me encanto que es algo adictivo y me encanto la verdad lo recomiendo
can somebody help with how to unlock all models achievement please help
You buy them in the same room you get items and new clothing, at the "Damsel" booth.
thanks it worked
Your welcome.
Great additions for 1.3. I Have every achievement but the last one with the ???? so hopefully I find It. I know it probably is a big suggestion but having the ability to create our own custom escape room would be a cool addition.
I think a world builder would unfortunately be too much of a time investment. I doubt that I'll ever implement that
for this achievement you should go to the new room at studio level and then look at the photo their and press( E )it will work
could u add a punishment/spanking room?
probably not, sorry. at least not in near future. It's just not somethink that interests me much and it'd be a lot of animation work
all good thanks for replying tho! Love the game so far
Not sure if you've been asked this before, so sorry if you've already answered this, but any plans for a mobile version at any point?
hi, thanks for asking^^
unfortunately I don't think I'm ever able to put this on mobile. The control schemas are just too different
Good game.But I want to know how can I tie up log in laying position.
And caught log
Will I even live to see the game get updated?
This is absolutely amazing.
Congratulations for creating this wonderful game, I really look forward to future updates and would surely like to support your creation.
- i believe the "turn off the computer in the office" mission might be bugged? Either that, or I really couldn't find the computer, the only one that looked like the mission objective wouldn't allow any interaction.
- the clothes don't fit on some models, expecially the custom models and the ones randomly wandering in the studio and Jessica's Room (don't remember the names, sorry).
- could you add blinders? could be as simple as a clothing item, or even better, a device to be purchased.
- maybe you could add the option to use toeties on the stocks? That would be great.
- what about a tickling robot/device, that simply tickles the subject, only doing that automatically instead of having to do the minigame yourself? could be some sort of expensive item, maybe would be also quite easy to animate (you could simply run the tickled animation for the subject and use some sort of effect, like some magic flying feathers or something along).
- a tickling rack would also be very nice!
thank you so much!
I'm glad you like the game so far. I hope you'll also like future updates^^
For the bugs, the computer should be in the office, which is right next to the brick wall with many paintings on it.
Clipping clothes are indeed a difficult problem. I'll try to fix most of the problem with custom characters at least in a future version.
Also thanks for all the suggestions. I'm not sure if I can implement all of these, but will certainly take them into consideration^^
In the future, do you think that you could add NPCs that tie you up and tickle you? maybe in the escape rooms if you get caught or you could make them tickle you in the studio.
yes I think so. I plan to have a sub update in future. where you play as sub, almost always tied up. and probably also tickled as punishment.
I can't say anything about a release date though. just rough plans
also will there be a ability to worship someones feet?
Can they have S*x or can they are Nak*ed?
you can edit the wardrobe, also strip them naked.
there is no sex though
Well, my English is not good, but I want to know what the purpose of the models purchased in the store is
you can choose them as playable character^^
Talk to Ms.Flame (she sits near the level spawn) and click "choose character"
thank you
Just downloaded this game a few weeks ago, and have played for a little bit. I absolutely love it! You are really onto something here. I will share a few small suggestions and some minor bugs I have found.
1. when a captive is leashed, I wasn't able to select an object to tie them to (i.e. chair). As soon as I removed the leash, they immediately walked away. Perhaps there is a way to do this but I haven't found it.
2. When I approached jessica with arms tied behind, she woulnd't acknowledge me. Then for some reason I was stuck there and could not move. I was only able to move after I crouched and then walked away.
3. You probably already know this, but if you are in the entry room for the escape room and you tie yourself up, you are stuck there without any escape. Mrs. Flame won't speak with you and there is no way to escape. The only way out is to load a saved game or go back to the beginning.
A few suggestions.
- Definitely more clothes items, but I gather you are working on this
- Would be cool if the models walking around could attack you and tie you up, but only if they are untied themselves. Also cool if they can escape.
- Clothing items with different abilities to resist escape. i.e. tennis shoes let you run faster than others, high heels and you have to walk slower.
- Tasks where you have to perform the task without getting caught and tickled.
- More hairstyles, especially more naturally colored hair ( personally not a fan of blue dyed hair - I prefer more traditional)
- Ability to adjust body of characters, especially breast size.
Definitely love the game and will keep following. Look forward to the next updates.
thank you so much. I'm glad that you like it^^
and thanks for your bug reports and suggestions. And true, for point 3 the "Return to start" button in the menu is the solution currently.
Marvelous game you are developing, keep up the great work. Definitely one I would most likely spend money on once it is complete.
-In the escape rooms if you put yourself in a bondage device there is no way to progress. My suggestion would be for the guards to find you and alert each other, then tickle you, maybe have the mini game come up and if you hit the 'e' key at the right moment a few times you escape. Just an idea, you may have a better one, but I think that would be great if there was a way to get yourself tickled by the AI.
-More clothes available in the in game store, at least all the ones we see on various models that are currently not available in the store.
-More models
-When tied up in the escape rooms the characters skin pokes through the clothes.
-When crouched and starting tickling, the character will still be in the crouched position and the characters tickling animation doesn't occur, just the model having the animation that she is being tickled occurs.
-If you go into first person view after clicking start tickling and then change your view and start tickling with the 'e' key, the character will be tickling the floor instead, for example.
thank you very much^^
you're right. I plan to do an AI behavior update at some point. Though it'll probably take some time.
More models will certainly come in future. Next version will have Belle, an OC of a good friend of mine.
And thank you for the bug reports! will try to fix as many as possible
Absolutely fantastic game!
I'm almost done with buying all models and clothes and I'm having a lot of fun.
Here are a few suggestions I'd like to mention:
* I noticed that the beds don't seem to have any in-game purpose. Could it be possible to maybe tie a model on it by using either ropes or maybe something like handcuffs?
* Do you think armpit tickling could be implemented? For example either on the wallshackles or the bed I mentioned above.
* A way to have yourself tickled by a model on the studio could be really cool as well.
* I didnt' find any way to delete characters you create.
thank you so much, I'm glad that you're having fun^^
The beds, as well as some chairs, are currently coded just as furniture. But I certainly can imagine that we can also have a bondage version of that.
For the tickling animations I always went with what matched best. Problem is, the animations have to be pretty generic since we have a lot of playable models that use them. So I can't promise currently that there will be armpit tickling in future unfortunately but I'll certainly keep it in mind.
And true, currently you cannot delete your characters. I plan to make an update to the custom characters at some point where I also revamp clipping and sliders. With this, I'll also make it possible to delete characters
I'm hoping for Tiffany to be playable and maybe for the stealth mechanics to be expanded like having more spaces to knock the girls out near bondage devices that don't use rope and maybe a way to get their attention like the whistle in assassins creed or the coin in hitman so you have more control over where they go but for right now it's really good I just got the last achievements tonight and enjoyed it
I'm glad you like the game so far^^
I'll probably upgrade the enemy ai in future but it will probably take a few versions
Absolutely great game! You did a rly good job. I absolutely love the idea of different stats for each model. I’d love to see more models added throughout the time. (no rush I havent unlocked all of them yet:ddd) It’s crazy that you let this game free.
I have a couple of idead for future development aswell.
You could add more teasing situations like nipple tickling
Maybe adding a feet worshiping animation would be good idea (but I cant even imagine how much time would that take:D)
I’d also love to see more clothes (but that must be difficult to create aswell)
Also more escape rooms (or escape options) would be good, something like in Kristina’s Escape
for escape game:
you could have to endure some tickle torture after the guards catch you. They can also tie you up and lead you back on the start with leash.
Guards are able to “rescue each other” when finding the other one tied up or unconscious and start searching for you more “agressively”
Tickling a guard without gag would arise suspicion, and call other guard. When you’re caught, guards will torture you.
It would also be incredibly cool to have the characters and their voicelines dubbed plsplspls.
Do what you think is best, it´s YOUR game afterall. Most importantly, take your time and have fun, don’t let this game die.
We all love your work, keep going! <3
thank you so much for your feedback and I'm glad you like the game^^
will certainly consider your suggestions.
I've been trying it out for a while, it's definitely very interesting and I almost ended up late for work because I was playing it.
Personally I have only done two missions, I haven't tried the escape-room mode yet, but I already have some suggestions:
- A "lock" for the third-person camera, or a sensitivity adjuster. I ended up seeing the character's butt several times (very detailed, by the way), by accident because of how fast the camera moves with little movement.
- Perhaps a more intuitive tutorial, I spent a few minutes browsing through the menu to figure out how to tickle. Maybe add a more visual mode on screen like a "menu for dummies"?
- Add more interactivity with the environment. The paintings are cool and the NPCs are fun to play with, but I think there is too much furniture and space without any real use.
I know I'm just a guy behind the screen, and I apologize if I'm a little rude, I swear I don't mean to be, I just think it's a great game and I'd like to see how it develops.
thank you very much^^
great suggestions! Will consider those. For example a tutorial is already planned. Though I'll probably include once I think the mechanics are finished
Have you thought about adding socks, tights or knee-high socks in general ? It doesn't change much in terms of gameplay, but the appearance itself could be quite encouraging :D
thanks for the suggestion^^
I can't promise anything but it's certainly possible. I'll consider it in future
Would love to see spanking, groping, or maybe strapons/futa. Just more to do in general. Having captors lead you around so you don't know what to expect would be fun. Overall, the characters and environment look great though.
Not sure about these things. I do plan a slave mode in future. So maybe that's something that'll interest you
Tried out the 1.2 update, here are some thoughts on some quality-of-life improvements:
1. Add an inverted Y-axis option for mouse look controls - many gamers are still used to inverted Y-axis for looking around.
2. Adjustable zoom on the camera (in both 3rd and 1st person views), preferably using the scroll wheel as the control.
3. Add ability to despawn spawned models in Jessica's Room and the Studio.
4. Add maps (doesn't necessarily have to be a fully interactive minimap, even just some images in the game files would be helpful)
5. In the buying interface, show how many coins you have on the purchasing screen. Also, for consumables, show how many of the various items you already have in the purchasing screen.
great suggestions! thank you!
Personally I'm not into tickling but its a good addition to have another way to get out of the escape room. Looking forwards to more updates to this game.
Looks great! Will there be a plan to add crossed-ankles tie? Where the legs are still bound together but her ankles are crossed instead of parallel.
actually yes. I planned a crossed ankles hogtie some time ago. No concrete plans but I'm sure I'll add it eventually
I like the game very much but what I find a shame is that the crotch rope is missing and Jessica in her room eventually captivates you
Do you have a discord I can join to see the updates over time or just to interact with others who are also following your work? How do I know when a new version will be available?
Just added a discord link to the game description.
Please add more Sandals, and give the option to switch the wardrobe from one model to another.
Thank you for a great game.
If I could be greedy, I would like more arm poses (box-tie, reverse-prayer, etc.)
Also, as it stands, the device can only be used by NPCs, and the cell blocks are the same as regular furniture, so I felt it was a waste.
hi, glad you enjoyed it^^
sure, more arm poses will certainly come.
for devices, everything that can be used on NPCs can also be used on the player.
What new devices got added?
bondage chairs in the studio level. in the last version, they were only present in Jessicas Level
Eventually did it... thanks for this great game. Any plan to add soft foot wear like socks and stockings in a future version ? And how about giving the ability to add a hair tie when hogtied ?
glad you like it^^
socks and stockings are certainly doable. but no concrete plans yet so not sure if I'll add them soon.
hair tie is problematic unfortunately. just for that fact that you can just change the hair
Oh you're right. So perhaps if adding a harness gag that could be tied back...
Great game ! Great job. Just struggling for hours to get out of escape game 2, can't remove the bars, any tip ?
Been playing more over the last week, just one achievement left to get 10,000 coins. Really good work, only bugs i have encountered is that the player models will sometimes clip though cloths that are not the default and at 6.5 hours i got the 10 hour achievement.
thank you very much, glad you like the game^^
I do know about the bug for the 10h achievement. I'll try to fix that in the next version.
for the clipping: you're completely right but it's pretty hard unfortunately and time consuming. I'll probably have to do that in one big update in future
me again, so twice i ted up the dom in the escape room challenge, and can I ask if by some chance that you do, can you make that a alterative way to win the minigame
that's a great idea, thanks for that!
I have to think about that, it's a bit tricky. But maybe there could be a system where you automatically get both necessary keys once you overpowered all guards
i love it! here are some things that i do hope get added, playing with the roaming slaves a bit, making a male and in general more male npcs, a sandbox mode with all the gear needed and every npc is avaible to use, and a massive wish, a furry mode but that is a lot to work on. but im glad to have this game installed and will keep playing it when i can. easy 5 star+ for me and any kinky lover
thank you so much, I'm glad you like it so far^^
also great suggestions! Interacting with the roaming slaves and also an expansion for the sandbox is actually planned. Not sure if it'll be in the next version but certainly at some point.
For males I'm not sure. Personally nothing against it. Might have to try that out.
For furries, I unfortunately lack the experience of creating the needed models. But maybe something I'll look into in future.
I see, but yeah I hope to see those down the line, any new update to this absolute perfect bondage game, let your fans know!
Dont want males myself but furry girls would be epic and there are a lotta people who make 3d furry girls.
Just came across this game yesterday when looking for games with bondage as the focus. I am really liking it so far 2 hours in, looking forward to any updates/additions in the future.
thank you. glad you like it so far^^
will certainly keep you updated